Wednesday, May 27, 2015

AP Macro Final

Here is the link to your final for AP Macroeconomics, you will have to log-in to your CLEBURNE google account to take the final. There are four questions. Good luck.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Measuring the Economy and Unemployment/Inflation

Notes for GDP

For more insight into GDP, you can watch these videos by ACDC Leadership

Unemployment and Inflation Notes

Again here is Jacob Clifford of ACDC Leadership with more insight into these topics

Here is a video from the US Mint or Unemployment - Are You Unemloyed: A Game Show

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

1 Unit: 3 Graphs

For Unit 2B, we will look at 3 Markets that act like supply/demand markets. Each of these graphs is for a particular market, and the graph will allow us insight into what that market is telling us, what forces act upon that markets, and what that changing market place will tell us.

Here is a document to use to collect notes on each graph/market (click here)

First Up: Loanable Funds

Power Point for Loanable Funds Notes

Coming to the Plate: Money Market

Power Point for Money Market Notes

And Finally: FOREX! (with Balance of Payments)

Power Point for FOREX Notes
Power Point for Balance of Payments Notes

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Worksheet Demo

Here is a quick demo on how to work one of the practice sets I left you, I know it can be a bit confusing on which boxes to use and how to fill them in.

Happy Graphing!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Supply/Demand: Building Blocks to More Graphs

This unit is going to be fast and quick, but it is highly important!
The ideas of supply, demand, market equilibrium will be the foundation which the majority of the class is build upon. If you understand these graphs and principals, then you will have a firm grip on the rest of the semester. So I highly encourage you to take good notes, use both the powerpoints and the videos, work the practice sets - and ask questions (either via Twitter, Instagraph, or YouTube).

Use the following videos and powerpoints to fill-in your chart/notes ...

I will post a quick video on the practice sets on Wednesday, see you then and happy graphing!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

So You Want to Trade: Comparative and Absolute Advantage

For those of you that missed class on Monday, we discussed why we should determine trade using comparative advantage, rather than the old way of thinking (pre David Ricardo - of no relation to Ricky Ricardo) of Absolute Advantage. The video below can be used to see how we determine comparative advantage, in this example we are trading precious cargo and I'm dealing with a tough ruler of a neighboring kingdom.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

PPC: Showing Opportunity Costs

Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read, you begin with ABC
When you sing you begin with do re mi
Do re mi
The first three notes just happen to be
Do re mi, do re mi

The very beginning for AP Macro is the PPC. The curve is a visual of the basic assumptions and vocabulary of economics - scarcity and opportunity cost. When reviewing and working through problems, if you need a quick refresher on how to draw, read, and change the curve refer to the video below.