Thursday, April 17, 2014

Closing In On May 15

We are getting close, less than a month away.

8am May 15 - AP Macroeconomics Test

That date will not change.

That is the date we have been working toward all semester. That is the date you have the opportunity to make everything we have been through (all the FRQs, those past and yet to come, the test corrections, the bad jokes) worth it.

For you to get the most out of that date, you need to take responsibility for your preparedness (not sure that's a word or not). Study. Break up your notes into small chunks. Know the graphs!! They are the key to understanding and mastering the course.

Investment Demand

Here is the video over the investment demand graph ...

Remember - The investment demand graph is for BUSINESS SPENDING, which is businesses borrowing for capital investment. This means they will BORROW money to invest, so interest rates are the COST of investment.