Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I Pass the Baton to You

We are now a week and a half away from the AP Exam.

8 school days!

We have reviewed. Then we have reviewed so more. We will continue to look at , work on, and review concepts, FRQs, and multiple choice questions. BUT ...

you need to take ownership at this point. You have materials to review. You have notes. You have study guides. You have test preps. Use them. Take ownership.

You all have the potential and ability to do well, maybe even surprise yourself, on the exam next week. It'll take work. It'll take effort on your part.

Now go study!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Time to See Where We Stand

We will be taking a practice AP test the next two days (today is multiple choice and tomorrow is FRQs).

You are prepared for this.
You can do this.
Remember to read carefully, and don't over-think.
Answer what the question is asking.

Good luck, and may the force be with you

Monday, April 29, 2013

Calm Before Chaos

Tomorrow we begin the two day process of taking a practice AP test, so that means today is the last day to ask questions and get clarity before tomorrow. We will look over the multiple choice questions we worked on in groups last week, and time permitting some of the FRQs.

By the way - test corrections are due when I leave today (around 4:10 or so)!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Debate: Is Minimum Wage a Good Thing?

NPR had an interesting debate the other day on whether the minimum wage was a good or bad thing for the American worker(s) and economy as a whole.
Here's the link to the article and audio is at the top of the page Should We Abolish the Minimum Wage?

So AP Macro economists - what are your thoughts? Give support ...

The Long and Winding Road

Today we continue our march through the practice AP problems, some groups working on multiple choice sets and others (the lucky few) working on FRQs. Only 14 days left - yes you read that correctly 14 days until the AP test!!

Stay focused. Work your 5 Steps to a 5 review books.

Coming soon - links to review videos on YouTube (sorry they are not mine)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Chalk It Up to Good Work

In your groups you answered different sections of practice AP Tests, below you will find pics of your classmates work. Please note that 2nd period AP Macro had a different set of problems than 4th period AP Macro, so make sure you are looking at the right class for the correct answers. Tomorrow we tackle the remaining few multiple choice questions and then the FRQs!

2nd Period

4th Period

The Road Goes on Forever

We continue reviewing for the AP Test and the practice AP test (remember we are taking that Tue for a GRADE!) ...

We will begin looking at multiple choice questions today ...

To make the process as painless as possible we will break them down into small sections (10 questions or so) and work them in small groups. Make sure you have your notes, gold sheets of economics goodness, and brain today (and the next 15 days).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Close Call (Saved by Technicality)

So in the can you stump Mr. Moulden with FRQs challenge, three students came really close (Andrew G., Madison D, Selena D.) - in a moment of absent mindness, I forgot how to label the vertical axis of the investment demand graph. But thankfully for my twitter profile picture there was the technicality that the provided key must be 100% correct. So cool dollar bill George Washington is safe - whew.

Better luck next time!

Response of the Flipped FRQ

So having looked at the FRQs that were created I have a few things to say ...

1. I have twisted your brains. The scenarios that yall came up with were very funny, yet scary in the nerdom references and twisted humor. So I was proud.
2. The example FRQs that yall came up with were really good and thought out for the most part (can tell that a few of you started to run out of ideas or time at the end).
3. Glad that you enjoyed this challenge, I've been told that creating the questions was harder than answering FRQs. Hope this helps with insight on future FRQS and AP test prep.

This week we will continue to review for our practice AP test (or the Unit 5 Test - it's the same thing) that we are taking next Tuesday.

18 days left to prep!

Monday, April 22, 2013

A True Underdog Story

The global movement to cut government debt in ratio to GDP is being reevaluated, all thanks to a 28 yr grad. student. Here is a prime example of why it's important to always check your math and pay attention to detail, otherwise you could end up with egg on your face (yes even you are a Harvard economist professor).

This story is just awesome, overnight (not quite literally overnight) a 28 yr old grad student has changed the course of economic thought today.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Time to FLIP the FRQ problem

So you are getting good at answering these FRQ problems, but before we move on to looking at multiple choice problems (don't worry we will return to FRQs - I know how much you love them) I have a challenge for you ...

Create a FRQ problem that I can't solve - stump Mr. Moulden!!

More directions to come on Monday, but be thinking now. Also I may give extra points for a creative "story" that the problem follows (think of all the different references my quizzes have made), and you know how much I hate giving extra points so it better be good.

Good Luck!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Monetary Policy in Depth

Was today's discussion of monetary policy not enough for you, was it just too easy? Then I have just the thing for you, read this ...

It's Not Your Father's Monetary Policy

21 Day Count Down

We have 21 school days until the AP Macro test, and they will go quickly ... This means you need to start using your 5 Steps to a 5 books to review, start reviewing on your own the small details of how things work and how they are connected.

In class we will be reviewing through looking at past FRQs, past multiple choice tests, and seeing where we currently stand (this means taking a practice test - that does count for a grade, yes there are corrections).

I need you to remain focused.

Every one of you have the ability and knowledge to do well on this test.

I will update this o let you know which AP FRQs we looked at or to add files of practice multiple choice questions - so check back often.

The Human Response

No sarcasm in the post ...
We are all human and when we see our fellow man in pain, it's our duty to respond. At CHS we are collecting $$$ today and tomorrow to send down to West, TX. Next week will begin to collect basic needs such as blankets, pillows, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste. Search yourself and give.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Keynes is Wrong (or at least not Fully Correct), We are ...

Tomorrow we will be looking at the other policy option available to fill-in where Keynes falls short, or just doesn't work because of politics.

Monetary Policy - the tools of the Federal Reserve!

Some backstory - the Federal Reserve aims to keep inflation and unemployment in check (mainly inflation) since Paul Volker (a giant of a man) took on the stagflationary problems of the early 1980s. The Federal Reserve aimes to target the Federal Funds Rate - keep in mind they do NOT set the rate, only target the rate. They do this by adjusting the amount of money available to loan through the banking system (remember balance sheets). They have three tools to play with - changing the required reserve ratio, the discount rate, or using open market operations (the buying and selling of bonds).

So now you know, and knowing is half the battle ... get the other half tomorrow in class.

22 School Days till AP Test

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Now It All Comes Full Circle

Well we have come to the end ... Unit 5!
Here we will cover the different economic policy options before us - Monetary and Fiscal Policies!

Now keep in mind that not all economist agree with these theories nor there projected outcomes, we talk theory in Macroeconomics. So we will look at the policies pros and cons. From the point of view as Keynesians, Classicalists, and Monetarists.

So here we go ...